Friday, September 21, 2012

17-Year Old Builds Heart Monitor for the Developing World

17-year-old Catherine Wong from New Jersey found a problem (crucially-needed hear monitoring equipment is often too expensive for people in the developing world) and then created a solution using off-the-shelf electronics.

Not only is this new electrocardiogram machine amazing, but it's also able to send results wirelessly to a cell phone and then to a diagnosing physician, which means that it also solves the problem of physicians not being able to travel to all the patients who need them.

And Catherine isn't done.

"I'm going to keep going on this project, making it smaller, cheaper, more durable," she said. Her dream: to actually get it working for patients in developing countries. "That's who I aimed the project at, and that's who I'm working for."
(original article via GOOD)

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