Sunday, August 26, 2012

Surgeon Rides Children's Bike To Operating Room

A multi-car crash in Louisiana involving a tanker carrying flammable liquids and another 18 wheeler carrying beer resulted in a massive traffic jam. While inconvenient for most, this was disastrous for surgeon Catherine Baucom who was due in the operating room. With her patient waiting for medical aid, she knew she had to act quickly. With a single minded determination, Catherine made her way to a nearby friend's house in Baton Rouge. There, she borrowed the only means of transportation she could get: the bike of her friend's seven year old daughter.

Catherine peddled her way toward the hospital until she reached interstate 10. There, she encountered some police officers who gave her an escort the rest of the way. She was able to meet her patient in time and the operation was a success, all because of her dedication to her job and her determination that nothing would stand between her and helping someone in need.

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